Never assume that any part of your income throughout the year is not subjected to taxes. That’s definitely a rookie mistake, one that people still make. To make sure you don’t fall in the same trap, document all your money from selling things, money you win, money you get from side jobs, even something of value you found. Any financial inconsistency between what you file and what you actually made can have serious consequences.
The White House… Very few people are allowed inside, and that’s for good reason. And,…
Be honest, how many times have you gone shopping with a list, only to later…
We all want to occupy our time with pleasant activities, but, unfortunately, pleasant doesn't necessarily…
Scouting for the perfect suburb 2020 has brought many changes to our lives because of…
'Should I hide my cash somewhere in my home?' Short and concise, no. But, in…
Frugal consumers know that seizing the moment means two things, it’s basically a double-edged sword.…