Guard Personal Information
As always when you’re online, make sure not to give away too much personal infomation. Buyers don’t need to know anything about you, really. On Facebook, they’ll see your name and can look up your profile, so it’s best not to have anything sensitive on there.
You may need to give away your phone number and if that’s the case, make sure it can’t be traced back to a physical location.
Safety first, always. Pick a place close to your home but don’t give out your address if you can help it! If you have to share your address, wait until you’re ready to finalize the transaction. Until then, refer to a general neighborhood so the buyer knows how close or far away you are.
Meet in Safe, Public Places
If you’re not selling anything big, like furniture, that can’t be carried around the neighborhood safely, try to always meet up in a public space. Coffee shops or local landmarks are best.
Check if your city has SafeTrade Stations near police departments. These promote safe buying and selling.
For bigger items, make sure more than one person is at home when a buyer comes by to pick the items up.