Part-time teaching jobs may be more time-consuming than you’re ready for. That’s where tutoring comes in. If you can pass your skills and knowledge on one-on-one then this is a great way to earn a little bit more cash, especially if your evenings and weekends are free.
Tutors generally make $10 to $20an hour on average, with some making as much as $39. Technically, you could earn $500 in just 13 hours.
You can either aim for specialized test preparation or traditional education courses. It’s up to you, how you feel like using your skills, or the needs of your students!
Umpire or Officiate
Sports fans that have local sports leagues in their communities, rejoice! In order to earn some extra cash, you could ask if they’re in need of game officials. This is a great way to not only make extra money, around $20 per hour (25 hours to earn $500), but it’s also ideal for those who want to participate in their communities more.
Worried about finding the time? Don’t! Most games take place during the evenings or weekends, so if you have a regular 9-5 job, you’ll definitely find the time to fit in a little bit of umpiring!