9 Photos Showing Strange Things That Happened During World War II


A dog with a job

Meet Salvo the “Paradog”. It was one of the many thousands of dogs used by the Armed Forces in World War II to sniff out mines, deliver messages, discover traps and hidden enemies. Various breeds of dogs such as Airedales, collies, lurchers and retrievers, underwent intensive two-month training to get in shape and learn how to parachute into enemy territory, keeping their “forepaws up and rear legs down.”

In the photo, you can see a brave Salvo completing his parachute jump during one of the training days.


An inflatable Sherman tank

Also known as the Trojan Horse of World War II, the inflatable Sherman tank was a type of decoy tank modeled after the M6 Sherman. These dummy tanks were used to trick the approaching enemy into believing the Allies had more tanks than they actually did.

Inflatable Sherman tanks were used to confuse German intelligence that the landings at Normandy Beaches would take place at Calais, in what was called Operation Fortitude.

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