Attention Snowbirds! This Is How To Get Taxed as a Florida Resident & Save Big

Pay taxes in Florida

The Sunshine State might not levy any income tax but there plenty of other taxes that Florida residents are required to pay. For instance, there’s the federal income tax or the local real estate tax.

Therefore, in your future 1040 form, make sure you write down your Florida address as your main address. The same goes for the IRS Form 8822. In terms of local taxes, if your business is in Florida, you are self-employed or have a property for rent in Florida, you might also have to pay personal property taxes. Dodging the taxes levied by Florida on its residents will not help you score points in terms of establishing your Florida residency. Not to mention it might be a bit illegal.

However, there are  Ways to Dodge Taxes Legally & Crazy Loopholes People Used!

Introduce yourself as a Florida resident

You might not be able to say “I’m a Florida resident” and be taxed as one just because you say so. While you can’t convince the tax auditor, it doesn’t mean you can’t tell other people that your permanent home is in Florida. Just like it doesn’t mean you can’t fill a form and use your Florida address or update your social media profile and list your Florida home as your current location.

You know what they used to say, if you’re not on Facebook, you don’t exist. So what better way to prove your existence as a Florida resident than on Facebook?

Don’t stop at that. Inform the Florida authorities that your primary and permanent home is in their state by filing a “Declaration of Domicile”. Each county has its own type of form, so make sure you file the one with the clerk of circuit court in your Florida county.

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