An important facet of saving money is buying cheap. Most times this means not reaching for the first (also typically the most expensive) item we see on the shelves. That’s why dollar-stores are so prevalent, and also why so many people rely on them in order to sort their finances out.
But are you getting the best deal if you shop there? Sure… but there are exceptions to the rule. You’ll end up spending more on certain items by the sheer fact that you’ll be forced to replace them over and over and over again. Instead of letting you find out which to avoid and which to keep on buying, we’ve compiled a list of 18 items that you should buy elsewhere, even if they come with a higher price tag- it’s generally worth it in the long run.
By following our advice you’ll not only save some money, but you’ll also avoid frustrating situations. As a bonus, we’ve selected some better options you can easily find on Amazon. Read on to discover them!