Spending less on kitchen appliances might seem like a good method to save money. But in the long term, it might not pay off if you have to replace your appliances every two or three years. On the other hand, buying essential products that are durable and resilient from the very beginning can help you save much more time and money in the long run.
Without further ado, here are ten small kitchen appliances and tools that withstand the test of time and are more than worth your hard-earned dollars.
Vitamix Blender
If you’re only going to prepare baby food, smoothies or cocktails, then a $40 blender should more than do the trick. But if you’re looking for something more complex, which can squeeze the juice out of any fruit or vegetable, turn bread into breadcrumbs, nuts or seeds into butter and cold soup into deliciously hot soup, then the Vitamix 5200 should be your go-to blender.
This kitchen staple appliance is equipped with “aircraft-grade” stainless steel blades and a metal drive system that get the job done faster and more smoothly. Add in the seven-year warranty for parts, performance, and shipping, and the highest score in a Consumer Reports survey, and you’ve got yourself quite the reliable blender.