Here’s What $100 Was Worth the Year You Were Born

Photo by Nikolay Antonov from Shutterstock


What you would have bought with $100: Two phonographs

For actually less than $100, Americans could have bought a phonograph, in fact, two. The price of a phonograph (a Philco Portable 4-speed) was $49 offered by Lloyd’s Electronic Home Headquarters.


What you would have bought with $100: Four pairs of binoculars

Back in the day, some people used to associate festivals with binoculars. And luckily, with only $100, you could have bought four pairs of binoculars. In 1969, a pair of Empire 7×50 binoculars was only $21.88.


What you would have bought with $100: 12 irons

It’s unlikely for a household to need 12 irons, but at only $7.88 each, I would have bought a dozen.

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