20 Purchases Most Americans Wish They Didn’t Make – Are You One of Them?

Photo by Sonyachny from Envato Elements

5. Over-the-Top Weddings

First of all, weddings should be special… No one will remember that you’ve had Bluefin tuna on the menu or that you’ve had a rare flower ( the Neelakurinji) that blooms only every 12 years on the table. Don’t blow your budget on an evening when most people will most likely get drunk and destroy your wedding dress eventually.

Kevin O’Leary, a personal finance author and an investor on ABC’s “Shark Tank,” says that it may be romantic to you to spend a big chunk of money on your wedding, but that’s insane.

6. Desktop Computers

Unless you really need a desktop computer, you’re better off without it. Just those who earn money from graphic design and video games, let’s say, need that extra power and features that only desktop computers could provide.

But the rest of us… We can easily do our jobs from a laptop. Besides, they are portable and require less power, meaning that your electricity bill won’t go up.

Read also: 6 Smart Ways To Cut Your Energy Bill In Half

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