Money mistake no. 1: Not using a high-interest savings account
If you want to grow your hard-earned money, as well as build a reliable emergency fund rapidly, opt for a high-interest savings account. Compared to a traditional bank account, a high-interest savings one can offer much higher interest rates.
Bear in mind that the average savings account interest rate is 0.09 percent, and savings account interest rates are over 1.00 percent. Yeah, a big difference, right? And if you have a debt problem, here are 9 Tips To Get Rid Of It Once And For All!
Money mistake no. 2: Ignoring refurbished goods
Most of us wrongly assume that all refurbished goods are damaged, but that not necessarily true. In fact, the vast majority of refurbished items are returned by customers for totally different reasons such as color.
Plus, all returned items are subject to demanding tests, and most times, they come 100 percent clean. So, if you wish to save more money, don’t ignore refurbished goods.